This is not Namaste Wahala: On Silences, (His)Stories and Ghana’s Oldest South Asian Family

This is not Namaste Wahala: On Silences, (His)Stories and Ghana’s Oldest South Asian Family

This post responds to the Naija-Netflix film "Namaste-Wahala" (February, 2021). It provides a review but also a deeper history of the South Asian (Sindhi) presence in the Gold Coast and Ghana. It is both historical and personal as the author shares his family's (hist)story in Ghana.

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Japanese kyōsei: A comparative model for co-existence in Africa?

Japanese kyōsei: A comparative model for co-existence in Africa?

So what exactly is “kyōsei” and is it useful as a concept for comparison with other contexts? Unfortunately (and perhaps this is its strength), there is no “exactly” about it and in typical Japanese fashion it is a vague and somewhat ambiguous term that has its roots in Confucianism, Shintoism and Buddhism, which for some critics renders it a meaningless concept of no practical value. However, its very vagueness and stubborn refusal to be contained within a tidy definition allows it to be appropriated in many diverse areas.

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